Design of Conference


The annual international conference on Islamic Studied is projected to be among the most anticipated conference or academic event for the Islamic studies scholars in Indonesia and beyond. It is designed to promote and discuss issues on Islamic Studies that also intersected with other field of discipline and expertise in various panels. The 2019 AICIS will be held 1 – 4 October, in Jakarta will have several programs as below:

Keynote Speeches
The keynote speech is among the main part of the conference. The key note speakers deliver few main issues related to the conference main theme that provide platform for further discussions in other subsequent panels of the conference.

Special Panels
The special panels are arranged by the AICIS committee by inviting prominent scholars or researchers in the related field, who have worked and published relevant research on the main theme. This panels represents scholars from various background of  the academic fields, universities and nationalities.

Onstage Discussions
Onstage discussion, a more flexible discussion, yet it still contain profound academic perspectives and impacts. Several speakers from either academic background or practitioner will be given a stage to present their thoughts, and provoke further discussion both from academic perspectives and practical ones

Invited Panels
The invited panels are panels of researchers or experts invited by the AICIS committee and organized in few panels on specific topic.

Selected panels
This panels are based on competitive panel proposals submitted to the committee, and selected by the committee based on its relevance, substance and prospects for publication.

Open panels
This panel are those of individual papers proposed to the committee, and the committee decide and accept the paper based on the theme and the subtheme which then will be grouped into different panels based on the subtheme or their research cluster. 

Diktis Research Grantees panels
This year (2019), it will be several panels of Diktis research grantees to present their researches/works which are funded by the grant from DIKTIS the Ministry of Religious Affairs, in which they applied through LITAPDIMAS DIKTIS system.

Book discussions
The book discussion is a place for author[s] to have their books discussed with relevant experts and audiences, to receive some comments and review on their book.

Cultural Oration
AICIS also provide a stage for special scholar or practitioner invited to do the oration on the theme related topic, and provoke some crucial points and thought for the audiences of AICIS participants.

*The detail of each section such as panels, speakers and the tittles of their presentation/paper will be updated from time to time.

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